The hard work begins.

Write a book they said, so I did not truly know what I was getting myself into. I never thought that it would turn into something that I actually love to do but it has. I enjoy writing so that I want more than anything to make this my career. I would love to my books turned into a move and become the next great paranormal romance love story. Kairo and Skylar are like real people with real situations that I know couples will identify with. Their love story is one that can transcend time but look real relationships theirs have their ups and downs.

As much as I want to the world to fall in love with Kairo and Skylar the real hard work of getting Dark Obsessions out into the world begins. As a self-published author I am experiencing firsthand how difficult it is to gain exposure for my work. The first few months my sales were up. Most of my friends and family came through and supported me and my dream. Then my sales started to slow despite the efforts on my part. My book had been featured in local and international magazines, it has been on display at three international Book Fairs, and even won three awards but still that is not enough.

In terms of sales my first year as a published author has not been great. That was a hard pill to swallow and even had me considering throwing in the towel and giving up on yet another dream of mine. Thank God that I have enough faith and people around me with more faith than I have so I was able to continue to press on. I found the strength to stay with it and to continue to push even in times of hardship and darkness. I found a way to believe that if God put me on this path that things will work out in the end no matter how hard the road gets. He never said it would be easy but there is a rainbow at the end of the storm, I just have to get there.

While I am not sure what 2024 will have instore for me and Dark Obsessions, I can say that the year has started off pretty good. My first book event of the year went really well for me and the other authors. My Book Scoot was a success that landed me the opportunity to be one of the featured authors at a Silent Book Club, giving me another opportunity to share my book with readers. My book trailer is AWESOME and showcases my book in an intriguing ligt that I can only hope will draw readers to want to pick it up and see what Dark Obsessions all is about. Legacy Ink Media had given me the opportunity to have my book featured on more podcasts as well the opportunity to connect with the Goodreads audience. I also have another book event this summer.

With all that I can only hope that I am able to continue to get the exposure that I need for myself as an author and for my book. Writing it was easy, publishing it was pretty easy but promoting it has been hard. It is hard to gain the type of exposure that I want to have for Dark Obsessions but deep down I know I can’t stop not yet at least. I have had small victories and with God on my side those small victories will turn into HUGE Wins. The hard work has begun, and I must accept the challenge. I believe in my book, I know that it is good and I will do everything that is within my power to see that I make it through the storm and see the rainbow on the other side.


Hard Work Pays Off


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